Realtime Software - Newsletter June 2007

Table of Contents


Realtime Software Corporation


Welcome to the June 2007 Realtime Software Corporation Newsletter To view the complete online version of our newsletter, click here. We hope you enjoy this issue.

bulletNew Offsite Backup Service Offering !
bulletCustomer Reference Highlight - Newstream Enterprises
bulletThis Months Enhancement Highlight Features -
bulletTech Tip !  Activefax Forms Backups


To learn more about Realtime Software Corporation Support Services, or any of the products and services mentioned in this newsletter, please visit our Web site, or call us at 847-803-1000, or send an e-mail to


Remote System Backup

Realtime Software Corporation is pleased to announce our new 'Offsite Data Storage and Backup Solution'.  Realtime can now provide a secure and efficient method for you to safely store your Realtime Server Nightly Backups, as well as internal company Windows Data server backups offsite, easily and cost effectively, for Disaster Recovery Peace of Mind.  With Realtime managing your safe offsite Realtime Software Business System data backups, we could, in the event of a disaster type emergency, quickly restore your most recent nightly backup of data to a Realtime Hosted On-site server, setup remote access via a secure VPN connection, and allow you access to YOUR data - remotely, within a matter of hours.

All that is required is a High Speed Internet connection, and a Windows File or Print Server running Windows 2000 or higher.

(Note: Remote VPN access to Data is limited to the Realtime Software Corporation Systems only - Internal Company Data and User Data files stored offsite can easily be restored to a new or existing Windows Based Server once one has either been setup with remote access at your location, or provided to Realtime Software Corporation)

One satisfied customer - 'MG Scientific Corporation' - has this to say about the Realtime Offsite Backup Solution:

The remote backup system solution for our two servers that Realtime Software provided for us was an ideal complement to our overall disaster recovery plan. The system has worked perfectly from the first day that Realtime started to provide the service and continues to function smoothly without any input from our staff here. Realtime's remote backup system adds peace of mind and security to our operation.

Jim McKeown

Call today for more Information and Pricing
847 / 803-1100 !

Customer Reference Highlight

Newstream Enterprises - Customer Reference Highlight

Realtime Software is proud to present a documented case study, written by Mr. Lloyd Ellis - IT Directory for Newstream Enterprises, LLC,  of their experience with converting to, and utilizing the Realtime Software Package:

In January 2006 NSE was a 70 million dollar company with over 6,000 part numbers to supply and handle.  A staff of 4 I.T. employees supported them.  Under the new Realtime System we now support over 8,000 part numbers and 85 million dollars in sales with one I.T. staff employee and a reduced work force 8.48% in office and overhead employees.

I have worked in Information Technology for over 22 years.  In that time, I’ve been part of 4 systems conversions for companies both large and small.  I have never seen such an easy transition of a complete software system change.  The Realtime staff and owners spent time here on site as well as on conference calls and online collaboration.  They truly understood our business and the need to complete the change without interruption of that business.  They provided tremendous insights for ways to implement new processes that have increased our bottom line.  Realtime provides immediate response to change requests, assistance, and training.

Realtime Software Corporation provided our solution on time, under their quoted cost estimate, and has provided excellent continued support of the system.  I estimate it would have taken a staff of 5 or 6 programmers 2 – 3 years to provide the solution Realtime provided in less than 6 months.  The Vendor Customer partnership between NSE and Realtime has provided a state of the art system.  Both the partnership and system will continue to grow and improve for years to come.  The only regret I have is that I didn’t convert to the new Realtime System years ago."

Click Here to Read Lloyds Entire
story On Our Website (Cont.)


This Months Enhancement Highlight Features

New Features are added to the Software Package each and every month.  The following is a review of 2 of the newest Enhancements available to you now !

9270 - This Enhancement to the Inventory Adjustments Program, (IN04A), verifies Transaction Codes entered against a list of allowed codes that is maintained in the Inventory Company Control Record by a system administrator. If a user tries to use a  disallowed code, processing will halt until a permitted code is entered, or the transaction is voided.  In addition, the Inventory Adjustments Program has been Templated - thereby allowing administrators to allow access to the program, but only to prompts and adjustments codes that are deemed usable for a particular user.


This Months Enhancement
Highlight Features (cont.)

9329 - This Enhancement to the Forms Control Program (FC01) allows for multiple Overlay Forms to be specified for a print program - dependent on the destination print
queue.  For example - a Picking Ticket could utilize a different Overlay form design, dependent on a destination print queue at a remote Branch Location using a different address and/or logo.

(Special Thanks to Chris Mills - General Manger - 
American Golf Cars - Irving, TX., 
for this Enhancement Suggestion)

Tech Tip

This tip previously published - is being repeated due to the extreme importance of this measure !

Attention All Activefax Software Users:

Realtime Software Corporation would like to remind all of our customers that utilize the 'Activefax' Software Package' along with the Realtime Activefax Interface, to be sure and Backup your custom Overlay Forms(*.cov) files on a regular basis.

These are the files that are used to produce your custom forms overlays if they are being utilized - including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Invoices

  • Accounts Receivable Statements

  • Purchase Orders

  • Picking Tickets

  • Open Order Acknowledgements

  • Faxing Cover Sheets

Copies of these Overlay Files should be made to cd / diskette / backup tape - etc. and kept in a secure location to assist in recovery of your custom forms in the case of an Activefax Server failure should it occur.

In order to backup these items - please copy all files with a 'cov' extension in the following directory to your backup media:

  C:\Program Files\ActiveFax\Server

If you can not view your filename extensions, navigate to the above directory, then click on Tools, and choose Folder Options:

Choose the Tab labeled 'View', and uncheck the box labeled 'Hide Extensions for known file types':

You should then be able to see filename extensions i.e. - .cov 

Typical filenames will be:  invoice.cov  /  pick.cov  / statement.cov
Your filenames could vary - for best practice - simply copy all files with an *.cov extension to your backup media.


The windows update for Windows XP - Service Pack 2 - turns on the Windows Firewall Option by default.

If your Activefax Server Software is being run on a computer with the Windows Firewall Option enabled, you must configure a Port Exception for TCP Port 9100 in the Firewall Rules in order for Activefax to function correctly ! 

Windows Vista Users - Please Call Realtime Software for Additional assistance if necessary !

Feel free to contact the Realtime Software Corporation Support Department for assistance with either of these very important tasks.

Copyright 2007 Realtime Software Corporation
(This Newsletter best viewed with a monitor resolution of 1024 x 768)
All rights reserved Various trademarks held by their respective owners

24 Deane Road  Bernardston, MA  01337  (847) 803-1100   Fax (847) 954-4764
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